虫林花山の散歩道ー Photographic Adventure ー
このHPは、週末ナチュラリスト&アマチュア昆虫写真家の虫林花山が、本業の傍ら日本国内や海外のフィールドを歩いて撮影した写真(昆虫が主体で、花、自然、風景などもある)のデジタル標本箱 (Digital Specimen Box) です。内部のギャラリー (Gallery) には、大自然の中に暮らす千姿万態、珍奇にして華麗な動植物たちの姿を種別に整理して掲載しています。拙写真から自然界の多様性や不思議さに驚く感性 「Sense of Wonder」を感じとっていただければ幸いです。
This website is a Digital Specimen Box created by 虫林花山, a weekend naturalist and amateur insect photographer, featuring photos taken in Japan and abroad while balancing his main profession. The focus is primarily on insects, but there are also images of flowers, nature, and landscapes. In the gallery, the diverse and fascinating forms of the flora and fauna living in the great nature are organized and presented by category. I hope that my photographs evoke a Sense of Wonder and appreciation for the diversity and mysteries of the natural world.
虫林花山 (加藤良平)
Weekend Naturalist & Nature Photographer
著作権者ID HJP1320810001158